1. Udomsak Krisanamis, Hesitant, 1994
2. Marco A. Castillo,Untitled, 2018
3. Daniel Garcia, Im not your dancer, 2019
4. Latifa Echakhch, The green leaves stick to my soles. Several of its agglutinate enough to make steps heavier enough to slow me down, 2019
5. Keith Haring, Untitled, 1988
6. Aminah Brenda Lynn Robinson, Dancin' in the Street, 2005
7. Caitlin Manchester, Care of the City, 2020
8. Daniel Leber, Baile, 2019
9. David Shrigley, Untitled, 2018
10. Donald Sultan, Black Tulips and Vase, Feb 26, 2014, 2014
11. Elena Tejada-Herrera, Jirafes french kissing, 2018
12. Elena Tejada-Herrera, Two pigs kissing, 2018
13. Elliott Puckette, Untitled, 2015
14. Ellsworth Kelly, Catalpa Leaf, 1965-1966
15. Ellsworth Kelly, Lemon Branch, 1965-1966
16. Georges Braque, Profil, Tir a l'Arc, 1960
17. Gregor Hildebrandt, Gimme, Gimme... (Exploded Version) Something You Know I Want (Exploded View), 2019
18. Hedda Sterne, Untitled, ca. 1965-68
19. Keith Haring, For Honda, 1987
20. León Ferrari, Sin título, 1962
21. Lynn Hershman Leeson, TV Legs, 1990
22. Martin Soto Climent, Volutes de fumée, 2019
23. Mwangi Hutter, mysteries of unsounded voices, 2018
24. Noemie Goudal, Soulèvement IV, 2018
25. Paula Castro, A partir de una Pintura de Raquel Forner,, 2017
26. Phoebe Boswell, Ghosts 5, 2020
27. Richard Serra, Finally Finished I, 2017
28. Robert Motherwell, Untitled (Hollow Men Study), 1985
29. Rogelio Polesello, Untitled, ca. 1997
30. Tamar Zinn, Pavane 41, 2017
31. Thaddeus Strode, Untitled, 1993
32. Troy Brauntuch, Untitled (Buttons 2), 2011
33. Ana Jotta, Calvin, 1993
34. Bernardo Ortiz, Sin Título, 2019
36. Lina Espinosa, Otras Olas, 2019
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