
When Sunscreen is Not Enough

Trying to stay cool this summer is an impossible feat. The sun is that much hotter. Even after a short walk my skin starts to resemble a roast chicken. Nothing seems to help, not even sunscreen. If you are dealing with the same, here are a few suggestions.

Grab an umbrella...

It's not just for the rain...

Or a paper parasol...

And pretend you're in Japan

Focus on something else...

Because art still matters - Antonello Silverini

Say goodbye to Britain...but not British design

Lulu Guinness Bloomsbury Umbrella

Take a break from the news...

Margins by Radek Szlaga

Don't let the sun ruin your eyes...

Dolce & Gabbana Sunglasses from Farfetch

Start dreaming of fall, cooler weather and long warm sweaters like this one...

Rochester Sweater by Magda Butrym

Get your hat on...

Medusa Hat from Super Duper Hats

Save your jewelry for the evening...

Dolce & Gabbana from The Corner

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