
What's new at Saatchi art?

1 Time for me to fly, Anthony HInchliffe, UK

 2 Gymnastics 2 Olekkksandr Voytovych Ukraine

3. Spinning Away, Brian Wiggins, US

4. A Hero, Bruno Perillo, US

5. Summer flowers, Yuanyuan Liu, Sweden

6. Flower Garden, Lo Hong, Indonesia

7. Where, Rediet Sisay, Ethiopia

8. Russian Tea House, Shellie Garber, US

9. Leaves still life, Paulina Archambault, US

10. Date at a french cafe, Oksana Fedorova, Ukraine

11. Goose 05, Poon KanChi, China

12. The most beautiful at the party, Valentina Toma  aka Chigi,  Spain

13. Bite your tongue, Victoria Manning, Canada

14.  West of Elysian, Tania Chanter, Australia

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