2. Donna Ong, The forrest speaks back, 2015, Galerie Krinzinger
3. Enzhao Liu, Constellations of Southern Birds, 2016, Mizuma Art Gallery
4. Fernando Botero, Dance, 2006, Galerie Thomas
5. Francesco Simeti, Indian Head, 2016, Francesca Minini
6. Gregor Hildebrandt, Ich sehe durch weibe Wolken in offen Arme, 2016, Wentrup
7. Herbert Brandl, Untitled, 2016, Galerie Nachst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwalder
8. Kibong Rhee, There is No Place, 2012, Kukje Gallery
10. Rashid Rana, Covert Overt, 2016, Chemould Prescott Road
11. Satoru Aoyama, News From Nowhere - 1, 2016, Mizuma Art Gallery
12. Shahzia Sikander, Ascent-Descent, 2013-2016, Pilar Corrias Gallery
13. Ugo Rondinone, funfternovemberzweitausendundfunfzehn, 2015, Esther Schipper
14. Uwe Kowski, Wand, 2015, Galerie Eigen + Art
15. Wang Huaiqing, Chinese Emperor 6, 2015, Tina Keng Gallery
16. Wang Yin, Flowers, 2005-2006, Tang Contemporary Art
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